Communication in High-Performance Dental Teams
Nov 08, 2021Communication in High-Performance Dental Teams
Success of your dental team is dependent on the systems set in place and everyone doing their part. Dentistry is comprised of highly complex clinical care and communication systems and research shows that the smaller the group, the more critical it is for teams to communicate and have clear outcomes specified for the day (Maxwell, 2010)
Daily micro-actions build trust, relationships, and loyal clients. One of the most crucial aspects of a team is having mutual respect and having clear, productive communication with accountability. To accomplish this, we must show up as our best selves, taking care of our thoughts, mindset and knowing our reason for service.
Personal Wellness
Personal wellness is essential to bring your best self to the team. To maintain balance, we must listen to our bodies and be aware of our wellness and stress levels. Feeling balanced and feeling stress is the difference between the cortisol and dopamine levels present in your body.Many of us are in "fight or flight" mode daily, and we do not recognize the early warning signs. Do you recognize when you are in “fight or flight” mode? You can begin with small micro-actions that activate dopamine and serotonin to level out your cortisol.
For you:
- Take deep breaths while washing your hands
- If you are feeling triggered during the day, reflect on what could cause the rise in emotion
- Meditation before work in your car or during lunch
- Exercise daily—no matter how little you do, it is helpful
For someone else:
- Smiling
- Hugs
- Compliment
- Saying someone’s name
- Gratitude
- No Drama
- Be an example of the behavior you want to create among your team. If you recognize drama, encourage the person to go directly to the individual to resolve the issue. Do not feed into it. And before you complain, ask yourself if you are creating a drama triangle.
Get Curious, Don't Accuse
Instead of assuming that someone is wrong or has made a bad decision, believe that YOU can learn from their decision instead of being judgmental about the action or decision. To do this, ask from a place of curiosity: “Amy, I am curious when (the decision was made), if you meant to ….. I am wondering if everything is ok and help me understand if I am missing something?” Being curious helps you understand another person’s perspective and allows the other person to feel understood.
Use “and” instead of “but”
“You did a great job, but…. “ When we use the term “but,” it dismisses the first phrase altogether. Instead of using the word “but” insert the word “and” to create more direct and effective feedback. It sounds like this with the team: “You did a great job AND, when this happens next time, we should also focus on…” Using “and” is a game-changer for communication in any area of your life…with friends, partners, and children. The term “and” helps you keep the praise in what you are communicating and builds on the point with additional thoughts and constructive communication.
Gratitude and Validation
Take time to tell someone how you noticed the extra steps they took and how the choices and actions made a difference in the level of care they provided. Patients will notice the positive reinforcement and how happy your team is to provide the care. When I consult with offices, there is a palpable vibe of the team morale and their level of satisfaction in the practice. Your patients notice it too…. In our dental office, we become immune to our vibe because it is what we experience daily. Here are ways to express gratitude (even in front of patients):
- Say thank you
- Have a gratitude board in your office
- -hare team wins during morning huddles
- Tell someone the difference they made in your day
- Be specific on how they improved your day or your care
We also want to be validated in our daily actions. Some phrases can be used to communicate validation among your team to make them feel heard and understood:
- “It makes sense.”
- “That is understandable.”
- “That must feel stressful.”
- “It’s terrible that you feel that way.”
We need each other to be able to deliver the care that our patients deserve. Our performance begins with our awareness and how we either affect or defect our teammates and provide care. The choices you make daily, even small changes, add up to the 1% difference that you will feel daily and accumulate into a year of growth. Start small, start by taking care of yourself and putting on your oxygen mask first---then help your team meet their personal and professional goals on being a high-performance leader. Your patients will notice, and so will your team.
- Maxwell, J., 2010. Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. Harper Collins Leadership.
Author Bio
Dr. Kelly Tanner, Ph.D., RDH, is a visionary leader who helps dental teams achieve personal and career growth. Kelly’s combined leadership experience, doctoral education business, and organizational leadership, and licensure in executive coaching, have helped thousands of dental professionals get clear on their area of growth and thrive as global industry leaders. Dr. Tanner was recognized in 2021 in Dentistry Today’s publication as one of the top continuing education providers and has impacted over 100K with her speaking.